Find your true beauty through COLOR ANALYSIS
"She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future." PROVERBS 31:25
Because finding my own best colors was such a life-changing experience for me, I want other women to have the same, transformative experience!
As a Certified Christian Image Consultant, I can teach you to embrace your God-given beauty and dress with confidence.
Show up as the person you were created to be!​

Certified Christian Image Consultant

Colleen Park

In a world where everyone wants to know their "season", Style by Color’s proprietary system offers so much more. CEO & Founder, Shari Braendel takes Color Analysis to the next level by considering all aspects of personal coloring: hair, skin, eyes, and value contrast. Shari was among the first 50 trained in Color Analysis in the U.S. and has now trained over 400 image and color consultants around the world. Unlike many other programs, the Style by Color system recognizes the color of your hair significantly impacts the outcome of your analysis. As a certified Color & Image Consultant through Style by Color, I guarantee you will receive unparalleled results. Learn more here!


Shari Braendel
Founder & CEO,
Style by Color